Monday, February 15, 2010

Congress Refuses To Bring Home Millions Of Jobs

"He, therefore, who is now against domestic manufacture, must be for reducing us either to dependence on that foreign nation, or to be clothed in skins, and to live like wild beasts in dens and caverns. I am not one of these; experience has taught me that manufactures are now as necessary to our independence as to our comfort; and if those who quote me as of a different opinion, will keep pace with me in purchasing nothing foreign where an equivalent of domestic fabric can be obtained, without regard to difference of price, it will not be our fault if we do not soon have a supply at home equal to our demand, and wrest that weapon of distress from the hand which has wielded it." The Letters of Thomas Jefferson: 1743-1826. To Benjamin Austin Monticello, January 9, 1816

I was in Denver recently. As I refuse to fly commercial, I drive. From Big Spring, Texas, where I live, to Denver and back, the number one subject of discussion is jobs. People are very afraid; you can see it in their eyes and hear it in their voice as they say, "I thought we were in a recovery."

It is not the job of the federal government to create jobs, yet the thieves in the Outlaw Congress right now are bickering over another con job called a "jobs bill". This is just more of the same: increasing the debt, weaning more Americans into government jobs and possibly another extension of unemployment benefits: