Tuesday, March 2, 2010

A Child Herself, She Awoke After Abortion to a Sight of Horror

MALINA WILLIAMS took one look at the roomful of bottled fetus remains and knew instantly that something wasn't right.

She was just 13, still a baby herself, and had just had an abortion at the hands of Dr. Kermit B. Gosnell.

She said she had thought something was amiss when the West Philadelphia doctor eagerly agreed to perform the abortion, even though he allegedly didn't have permission from her parents as required by state law.

After her procedure was over, Williams said she saw Gosnell cradling a bottle that contained the remains of her fetus. Her eyes darted away and landed on the room with the bottles.

"He left the door open," said Williams, now 32. "I could see all the little babies in bottles filled with liquid, and I started crying.

"He said he did research on them. He said, 'Don't cry, don't feel bad. Everybody does this.' "

Williams' unnerving story of her illegal abortion is among a seemingly endless string of nightmarish allegations being leveled against Gosnell, whose clinic has now been linked to the death of two women.
